About the Author

Wendy Lawrence

Wendy Lawrence lives in Alstonville a small village town in country northern New South Wales, Australia.

She has been caring for sick, injured and orphaned owls and birds of prey for many years.

Over the years she has had many adult, as well as juvenile Boobook owls, that have needed help to return to the wild.

Boobook owlet
Boobook owlet

Wendy has had a passion for wildlife for as long as she can remember, whether watching animals in the wild or helping them to return to it when they become sick or injured.

For many years now the rehabilitation of owls and raptors (birds of prey) has been her main focus.

Many of these birds have been hit by road traffic, flown into power lines or barbed wire fences.


Some have been poisoned, drowned in open top water tanks and a few have been shot.

Habitat destruction has led to living and dead trees being felled, thereby reducing the number of hollows for them to nest in. Storms, drought and illnesses are other reasons these birds sometimes need help.