Pre-school reading of “Boo”

Wendy-preschool visit2014I was recently asked to give a reading of my  children’s book, Boo and the Big Storm, to a Pre-school.

After doing this, I showed them what was needed for a rescue and why… clean cardboard box with air holes, a towel with no torn bits, another towel for catching, no perches, no water, make sure the box is closed and no noise  etc. etc.

The children were amazingly attentive and afterwards asked questions – do I keep any of the birds, how to feed them (had some photos to show them using tweezers), did they bite and more …

In addition to which I was told about blue tongue lizards in the garden, a large hairy spider living in a boy’s bedroom, and an owl sitting on a fence post. I was delighted so many of them were already interested in wildlife.

Wendy-preschool visit2014-2My book had been read to them earlier this year and they loved it.  Hence the Pre-school asked me to visit and bring along 71 copies of Boo to be given to the children as a Christmas present from the Pre-school.

And this is what the Pre-school manager sent to me. Visit Pre-school’s Facebook page


Dear Wendy

It was such a pleasure to meet you!
I would like to thank you very much for giving your time to read your beautiful book to the children and for sharing your knowledge on how to rescue birds.

This was such a wonderful learning opportunity for the children and all our families and staff appreciated your very special visit to our Preschool.

I can¹t wait to give the children their books, it will be such a wonderful surprise for them all!

Best wishes