Vicki Stanton from Buzz Words reviews Boo

boo9Boo and the Big Storm is an absolutely gorgeous book that young bird and nature lovers will adore.

Boo is a Southern boobook owlet with impossibly big eyes and curiosity to match. With her simple and beautiful text, author Wendy Lawrence is bound to draw young readers into feeling what Boo is feeling: when she falls from the tree in a fierce storm, finds herself in the middle of the road, is picked up by Farmer Goodman, and frets for her parents and brothers. The owlets are ideal subjects for a children’s book with their fluffy down and huge eyes.

Glen Vause’s talent in illustrating landscapes and natural history is evident. He portrays the apprehension of Boo perfectly and it would take a hard heart to not fall in love with her.

This book’s a keeper and would make a great addition to any home, preschool or school library. Full Review